Monday, September 7, 2015

Day 17--A Little Better than Yesterday

Yesterday was not a good day for my foot.  I strongly suspect I way overdid it the first two days and then paid for it yesterday.  By late in the evening my whole foot and ankle was hurting.  I had to have been walking funny because of the pain in the toe and then messed everything else up.

This morning has been a bit better.  I was able to get the New Balance shoes on and walk around the house and out to the road to get the paper with them on.  The top of my foot still feels sore but I haven't got the really sharp pain on the side of my foot like yesterday.

My husband tells me that it's good that I pushed so hard.  But not sure it's good to push so hard that you're off your feet for the next couple of days or walking funny because you're in agony.  I think the key is finding that sweet spot to push hard enough to move the needle but not so hard as to set yourself back.  Unfortunately, that line is hard to find.  Maybe as time goes on it will be more discernible.

My foot is craving the warm, moist towels and the ultrasound treatment that I got at my physical therapist's for the torn tendon in my ankle.  But my doctor didn't recommend PT.  But it seems like the gentle, restorative PT like heat, ultrasound, massage, etc. would be good for healing.  Elevating, ice and tylenol didn't do anything yesterday (although maybe that's why I'm feeling better today?)

Was able to work in the garden for an hour or so later in the afternoon.  The top of my foot was still sore again the New Balance shoe but not intolerable.  Got the velcro sandals on to wear to dinner although my gait felt very stiff and unnatural.  Once I got home shifted back into the fitflops and felt much better.

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