Sunday, August 30, 2015

Days 7,8,9 Not much new

A widespread power outage interrupted my posting although I have to admit not much has changed over the last few days.  For the most part my foot feels fine and I can easily walk around in the boot.  But I do notice that the top of my foot feels more irritated at night when I've done more walking and standing during the day.  Although yesterday I didn't really get to ice since I didn't want to open the freezer door.  Today, I'm trying to just take it easy.

My biggest challenge right now is that our typical northwest weather is back which means a lot of rain.  It still haven't devised a good system for keeping my foot dry in a sudden storm or walking through parking lots puddled with water.  A friend told me about a product called Dry Pro (  Looks pretty slick.  Kind of like a neoprene cover for feet/legs or arms/hands.   I think you can even use this product to swim.  Looks a little heavier and more sturdy than the shower water proof cover I bought.  They have a knee length foot/leg cover that looks like it could be the ticket.  Unfortunately, the places around me that carry it are all closed Saturdays and Sundays.  Since I get the stitches and dressing off Thursday morning, not sure it's worth it for only three days.  I did notice they had overnight shipping on their website but figured the weekend would still present a problem with that as well.  I suppose I could try one of the shower covers when I go out.  But the plastic isn't that heavy duty and I'm afraid between the pavement and the bottom of the boot it will end up in shreds.  I may just resort to the inelegant solution of a garbage bag.

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