Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 2 Off the pain meds, walking in boot, shower

What a difference from yesterday!  I took two pain meds before bed at midnight last night.  Slept well.  Woke up at 6am and the first thing I noticed was no pain in my foot.  I was able to hobble to the bathroom (with one crutch just in case) but found that I could actually walk in the boot with barely noticeable discomfort.  By 10am still no significant pain.   Took a couple of tylenol just in case.

Was able to get out to the kitchen and make breakfast (nothing complicated).  Sat at the table with my foot placed on a pillow on top of a chair.  Although have spent the majority of the day with my foot up, I have been able to get around the house without the crutches today!  No way could I have done that yesterday.

Actually, my biggest problem today is just a foggy head from spending too much time lounging with my foot up.  Although I have a ton of books, I've found it hard to focus.  The Sunday NYTimes has been about my speed today.  I know I'd feel better if I took a shower but just wasn't up for all the effort to waterproof my foot.  Will attempt that after dinner tonight.  Hoping that since I'm not taking the pain meds that the fuzzy head will clear up.

The other thing I've noticed today is that my foot doesn't feel as tightly wrapped in its bandage.  So maybe there was some swelling that has gone down.  That has done a lot to ease the discomfort as well.

After dinner, my foot was feeling good enough to stand on so I did manage to get a shower in.  The waterproof cover worked well.

 I used this Aqua Guard Boot.  Unlike the other cast covers, this one has a wide opening at the top which made it a lot easier to gently slip in my booted foot without banging my toes.  There is a stretchy band with a buckle that locks tight that you slip over the cover.  I tied a microfiber towel around my leg just below my knee to catch any drips just in case and then put the cover on over that.  I fastened the band just above my knee and then folded the excess length of the cover over the lower part of the boot.  No leaks although  the area right above the towel felt damp but I think that might have just been condensation.  My foot felt dry.  I did a quick shower with a handheld shower head to try to minimize how much water was spraying on my leg.  This cover comes in packages of 3 (with one band and buckle) for $19.95.

The other product which I already had and has come in handy is this ice pack and cover.

The label says Caldera.The tabs have velcro that you can fasten around your leg and the main body has a pouch that you can slip a frozen 6" x6" Caldera therapy gel pack into.  A small velcro tab keeps the ice pack in place.  No more leaky ice cube bags!  I think I got this at my local pharmacy.

Biggest issue I'm dealing with now is a sore lower back from sitting with my foot elevated.  Foot is a little more sore over the incision tonight but putting together dinner and taking a shower may been a little too much for it.  It's actually been  feeling better than I had expected at this point.

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