Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 6 --Out in the Garden

Foot feeling good this morning.  I've been dying to get out in my veggie garden although certainly didn't want to risk dirt and water getting into the bandaged foot.  Decided to try a contractor's bootie, the tyvek cover made for contractors to put on over their boots when they come into a house.  Perhaps a little looser than I'd like but it did the trick.  It covered my exposed toes and kept the sole of the protective boot clean.  Was able to harvest tomatoes, strawberries and cucumbers.  I iced and elevated my foot afterward.  Was up making ice cream for about 30 minutes and later out on another errand where I used the crutches since their was a fair amount of walking involved.

Found my cleaned out joint was throbbing a bit at dinner time although once I elevated my foot on another chair it went away.  Other than for a shower tonight, I'm going to try to keep my foot elevated and iced.

Only one more week to go before I can get this wrapping off.  Luckily, I've finally gotten into reading the 575 page Catherine the Great and have devised a way to keep my feet elevated that is a little gentler on my back.  Unfortunately, we're supposed to have a lot of rain over the next few days which may limit my ability to get outside since my tyvek cover doesn't cover the top of my foot.

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