Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Day 4 First outing since surgery

Woke up just wanting to free my foot from all it's wrappings.  The bandage between my toes was bothering me.  The whole top of my foot felt irritated.  Not really hurting just uncomfortable.  I took an ibuprofen thinking maybe my foot was a little swollen.  I had kicked out one of the pillows it had been propped up on during the night.

Decided to do an outing today.  Cabin fever has gotten really bad.  My husband came with me so decided to use the crutches since I knew I'd have to do some walking in the store.  He could carry what I bought.  Packed wallet, sunglasses, phone, etc. into a light weight back pack to avoid having a purse at my side. My foot thanked me for that but the heels of my hands are red and sore from the crutches.  But a good trade off in all.  Was able to slowly get down our wood stairs in the house hanging on tightly to the rail just in case.  No crutches for this.  No problems.

So excited to realize that my follow up to get my stitches out is a week from Thursday, not Friday like I thought.  So hopefully I'll be out of this wrapping and boot a day sooner than I thought.  Still kind of wondering what shoes I'll be able to wear when the stitches come out.  The doctor's assistant keeps saying loose, floppy shoes.  Other than flip flops I don't have any loose floppy shoes.  Really don't want to have to add another pair of shoes.  I already have too many that are only geared toward specific foot problems.

Shower was easier today.  Instead of using string to keep the towel wrapped on my leg inside the waterproof boot cover I found an old woven belt with two d-rings that worked much faster.

Up and moving around a little more today although foot seems to still be doing okay.

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