Thursday, December 10, 2015

Weeks 15-16 Making Progress

Here I am at 4 months post surgery.  I saw the doctor last week who assured me that my toe is moving fine for this stage and that what I'm experiencing is normal.  He said I was at 50 degrees of movement which is what you need for running.  Probably not enough for downward dog in yoga although he said it was fine to try.

So my last three yoga sessions I've been doing plank and flowing into downward dog.  I can do it although not so flowing and gracefully.  The discomfort I was experiencing two weeks ago seems to be resolving.  I'm back to having moments of not noticing my foot for a while.  Or maybe I'm just getting more acclimated to the discomfort.  At any rate, yes, I still notice my foot although it isn't limiting me right now.

I'm still glad I had the surgery.  I think my foot is in better position (I'm not rolling outward) while I'm walking and that burning sensation that I used to get is gone.  The discomfort that I feel now is much easier to deal with.

Holding onto the back of a chair I can get up on my toes which I couldn't do before although my left foot isn't quite so steady.  I can get my foot into a shoe with a 2" heel but haven't tried walking in them or wearing for any length of time.

The incision is fully healed.  A faint scar with a little redness around it at times but not tender at all.  I can push hard on the top of my toe joint with no pain.  In fact the only discomfort I feel is on the bottom of my foot, not on the top.

So all and all, I'm happy with where I'm at.  Looking forward to going for days or even weeks without noticing my toe at all.

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